Sunday 23 March 2014

The Pizza game

Wow! it's been a long time since I've added anything, but have a couple of new things to share. Don't know about you (dear theoretical reader), but I'm actually finding that it has been really useful to create this resource for myself as much as for anyone else, because now I can go back and remind myself of games I haven't tried for ages - it's amazing what you forget.

This game I found on another site, added by Dagmara Muszynska.
I have left the instructions in her words - please note that this game does require some preparation.

PIZZA GAME Game to learn/practice vocabulary

This is my students favourite game. They love it and you can use it in any language B class. It takes a bit of time to make it but it is really worth of it.

To make a game you need to:
  1. On the sheet of A4 paper draw and than cut a circle (as big as it possible on the paper).
  2. On the circle draw 3 lines to divide it into 6 pieces (just as a pizza or a birtday cake).
  3. On each piece draw quite dots 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 (just like on dice). Now it looks a bit like a pizza, isn't it.
This will be your base. Now it's time to make pizza pieces (tasks to do by students)
  1. cut paper into triangles (as many as you want)
  2. on each triangle put one task to do by students

Your game is ready. Now it's good to laminate everything so you can use it many times.

How to play it:
  1. students sit around the table
  2. put your pizza (base) in the middle
  3. put your pieces of pizza under each part of your base
  4. student roles dice
  5. students takes the piece of pizza where is the same number of dots
  6. student solves task on the piece of pizza
  7. student may take the piece of pizza if he solve task correct – than teacher put next piece in empty place
  8. student need to put back thepiece of pizza if couldn't to solve the task.
  9. The winner is student who has the the most pieces of pizza at the end of the game

What you can use it for

  1. practise new vocabulary/expressions
ñ on each piece put word/expression in language of instruction. Students need to say the word in language B.
2.    putting words in correct order
ñ on each piece write mixed words. Students need to put them in correct order and make a sentence
3.    put the right form of noun/verb/adjective
ñ on each piece write sentence with one word that is in incorrect form. Students need to say the sentence using correct form of word
4.    answer the question
ñ on each piece write question that students will be supposed to answer

In fact there is much more possibilities to use this game. The only limit is your imagination. Good luck and have fun during the game

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